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CytoJournal monographs: First CMAS (CytoJournal Monograph/Atlas Series) on science of cell-block making, titled “CellBlockistry 101 (Text Book of Cell-blocking science)”

Department of Pathology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Karmanos Cancer Center, Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan, United States
Department of Pathology, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, United States
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University of Missouri, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, United States.
Author image

*Corresponding author: Vinod B. Shidham, Professor, Vice-chair- AP, Director of Cytopathology Fellowship and Cytopathology Division, Department of Pathology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Karmanos Cancer Center, Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan, United States.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

How to cite this article: Shidham VB, Bose S, Baloch Z, Layfield LJ. CytoJournal monographs: First CMAS (CytoJournal Monograph/Atlas Series) on science of cell-block making, titled “CellBlockistry 101 (Text Book of Cell-blocking science)”. CytoJournal 2021;18:10.

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As shared previously on a periodic basis with the editorial board, the CytoJournal[1] has been planning to embark upon the project to produce cytopathology books in open access for easy availability of the scientific cytopathology literature around the globe. The first Monograph [Figures 1a and b] titled “CellBlockistry 101 (Text Book of Cell-blocking science)” will be a textbook on cell-blocks in cytopathology. We announce that this CMAS (CytoJournal Monograph and Atlas Series) volume[2] is ready (currently available on-line as individual review articles under ‘CytoJournal Monograph Related Review Series’ at It will be available soon in print. In addition, it will also be available under eCytoJournal ( to explore with on-screen reading experience comparable to page-flipping of printed book.

Details of the first CMAS: “CellBlockistry 101 (Text Book of Cell-blocking science)”.
Figure 1a:
Details of the first CMAS: “CellBlockistry 101 (Text Book of Cell-blocking science)”.
Cover page of the first CMAS (CytoJournal Monograph and Atlas Series): CellBlockistry 101 (Text Book of Cell-blocking science).
Figure 1b:
Cover page of the first CMAS (CytoJournal Monograph and Atlas Series): CellBlockistry 101 (Text Book of Cell-blocking science).

This CMAS volume will also serve as a template for future monographs in pipeline.

Under the open access charter[3] of Cytopathology Foundation[4] and CytoJournal,[1] the copyright for the published material will be retained in the public domain with all its benefits, including reproduction of the contents for teaching and other scholarly activities, after citing the original source as a legal obligation. The “Export to PPT” feature in HTML of CytoJournal articles allows the easy addition of images in any of the articles in to a Scholarly PowerPoint presentation at a single click [Figure 2].

“Export to PPT” feature of CytoJournal articles in HTML: (a) The images in CytoJournal articles can be Exported as PowerPoint slide by clicking on “Export to PPT.” (b) The exported image/figure in the PowerPoint slide would automatically include the figure legend and also the details about citation with Creative Common License details.
Figure 2:
“Export to PPT” feature of CytoJournal articles in HTML: (a) The images in CytoJournal articles can be Exported as PowerPoint slide by clicking on “Export to PPT.” (b) The exported image/figure in the PowerPoint slide would automatically include the figure legend and also the details about citation with Creative Common License details.

Based on the feedback at various meetings, the CMAS project is an excellent opportunity for budding junior cytopathology stalwarts with the help of established cytopathology veterans to progress into leadership roles at a global level. CytoJournal with the Cytopathology Foundation will try to explore avenues to encourage initiatives and allow participation of many scholars with as wide an expertise as possible.

The first multiauthor Monograph titled “CellBlockistry 101 (Text Book of Cell-blocking science)” and edited by Vinod B. Shidham has six chapters. In keeping with the CMAS guidelines, all of these chapters have been published as six different review articles under open access in CytoJournal.[5-10] Subsequently, these articles would be modified slightly to format them as different chapters of the monograph as allowed under the Creative Commons License.[3] This first monograph is supported by limited funding from the Late Geeta Paradkar Memorial Fund.

The print versions of the monographs can be purchased online at[11] but can also be read as soft copy under eCytoJournal (Site for reading CytoJournal articles and books in book-like format with flipping pages[12] (free for Cytopathology Foundation members[13] and at nominal cost for others).

The chapters in this monograph are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Contents of first CMAS: CellBlockistry 101.
No. Title Author (s)
1 CellBlockistry: Science and Art of Cell-block Making Vinod B Shidham1
2 Specimen specific approaches Vinod B Shidham1
3 Cell-blocks and Immunohistochemistry Vinod B Shidham1
Lester J. Layfield2
4 Cell-blocks and Immunohistochemistry for Hematolymphoid Lesions (including Malignancy) Ahmed Alrajjal1
Moumita Choudhury1
Jay Yang1
Ali Gabali1
5 Cell-blocks: Special stains & Molecular tests Vinod B Shidham
6 Architectural Aspects of Cell-blocks: These are Micro-biopsies! Swati Satturwar3
Liron Pantanowitz4
Wayne State University School of Medicine, USA; 2University of Missouri, USA; 3University of Pittsburgh, USA; 4University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

The list of forthcoming monographs in CMAS series is mentioned below (the topic are subject to change as indicated):

  1. Diagnostic Cytopathology of Serous Fluids (2nd Edition)

  2. Pancreatic EUS-FNA

  3. Textbook of FNA procedure

  4. Urine Cytology

  5. Thyroid FNA

  6. Salivary Gland FNA

  7. Lymphoproliferative disorders and FNA

  8. Textbook of Molecular Cytopathology

  9. Pediatric Cytopathology

  10. FNA and soft tissue/bone tumors

  11. Breast FNA.

CytoJournal ( and Cytopathology Foundation invite experts in cytopathology to select any of these or other timely topics in diagnostic cytopathology for future monographs. The review versions of the individual chapters in the monograph books will be available around the globe on the open access platform of the CytoJournal with Cytopathology Foundation support with free access to the readers through PubMed archival and search assistance around the world.

The book release event of this CMAS monograph on CellBlockistry is expected to be held in April - May 2021. CytoJournal and Cytopathology Foundation is planning it as an online virtual book release event for global participation. Friends, family, and all associated with CytoJournal/ Cytopathology Foundation are invited to join the event which may be recorded and archived on the CytoJournal website. Cytopathology Foundation will share the details of the event as the book release date approaches.

The editor(s) of individual CMAS monograph/atlas will enjoy royalty sharing on the sale of the printed version of their monograph/atlas with Cytopathology Foundation Inc after deducting the publishing expenses. Such royalty may be donated as a tax-deductible donation to Cytopathology Foundation Inc (non-profit entity)[4] to help similar future projects under an open access charter in cytopathology.


Authors thank Janavi Kolpekwar for copy-editing support.

CytoJournal and Cytopathology Foundation thank Late Mrs. Geeta Paradkar Memorial Foundation for generous limited funding of this CMAS book project.

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (In alphabetic order)

CMAS – CytoJournal Monograph and Atlas Series

EUS – Endoscopic ultrasound-guided

FNA – Fine needle aspiration

PPT – PowerPoint presentation


  1. Available from: [Last accessed on 2021 Mar 20]
  2. Cyto Journal Monograph and Atlas Series. Available from: [Last accessed on 2021 Mar 20]
    [Google Scholar]
  3. The Creative Commons Attribution-non Commercial-share Alike 4.0 License. Available from: [Last accessed on 2021 Mar 20]
    [Google Scholar]
  4. Cytopathology Foundation. Available from: [Last accessed on 2021 Mar 20]
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  5. . CellBlockistry: Chemistry and art of cell-block making-A detailed review of various historical options with recent advances. Cytojournal. 2019;16:12. Available from: [Last accessed on 2019 Jun 28]
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  8. , , , . Cell-blocks and hematolymphoid lesions. Cytojournal. 2021;18:7.
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  10. , . Architectural aspects of cell-blocks as small biopsies. Cytojournal. 2021;18:5.
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  11. Print versions of Cytojournal Monograph/Atlas Series (CMAS) . Available from: [Last accessed on 2021 Mar 31]
    [Google Scholar]
  12. eCytojournal: Site for Reading Cytojournal Articles and Books in Book-Like Format with Flipping Pages. . Available from: [Last accessed on 2021 Mar 31]
    [Google Scholar]
  13. Cytopathology Foundation Membership. Available from: [Last accessed on 2021 Mar 20]
    [Google Scholar]

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