ISSN (Print): 0974-5963, ISSN (Online): 1742-6413
Frequency of publication: Continuous | Language of publication: English
Starting year: 2004 | Format of publication: Print + Online
CytoJournal is an open-access, peer-reviewed biomedical journal dedicated to publishing research on cellular pathology and molecular pathology. It aims to elucidate the roles and implications of cells or cell-related molecules, signaling, and electrophysiological behaviors in mediating diseases and in disease diagnosis and treatment. These publications cover research on pre-translational experiments and novel findings and insights in clinical practice.
- Online submission
- Wider visibility through open access
- Higher impact with wider visibility
- Double anonymized peer-review
Abstracting and Indexing Information
The journal is indexed with or included in the following:PubMed Central, Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded
The journal is registered with the following abstracting partners:EBSCO, Google Scholar, ProQuest, CrossRef, ReadCube, EMBASE/ Excerpta Medica, Portico

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- This is to update you about the progress in the journey of open access in Cytopathology with CytoJournal as pioneer platform. At this juncture, CytoJournal is well established as open access resource for scientific cytopathology research with efforts of Cytopathology Foundation (CF).
- Cytopathologic Diagnosis of Serous Fluids (CMAS #2) by Shidham & Layfield, Book release event
Book is available to be purchased on Amazon at - CellBlockistry 101 (CMAS #1) (Text book of cell-blocking Science) is available now. You can purchase your book here
- Evidence emerging for HPV-negative cervical cancer —-CAP Today January 2014
- Video: Is peer review broken? (Posted by Biome on 25th September 2013) —– “The hierarchy of journals has an effect that’s completely disproportionate to the real difference in the quality of the papers that are published.” Joshua Sanes, Harvard University —— (video file may take longer time to download- in case of problem close the browser and open again) - Open access” and “Academic spring”- —- research papers that describe work paid for by British taxpayer will be free online for universities, companies and individuals to use for any purpose, wherever they are in the world.—– —Other countries with appropriate vision with similar ethical insight are expected to follow– “The move reflects a groundswell of support for “open access” publishing among academics who have long protested that journal publishers make large profits by locking research behind online paywalls. “If the taxpayer has paid for this research to happen, that work shouldn’t be put behind a paywall before a British citizen can read it,” Willetts said.”—-
- Academic journals: an open and shut case very clever people have put up with a very silly system for far too long. That is the upshot of our reporting on scholarly journals this week. Academics not only provide the raw material, but—–
- Cervical cancer screening- More on PAP test & HPV testing- ‘Panel Faults Virus Test to Spot Cervical Cancer’ The Wall Street Journal —“We’re talking about the HPV test being better in one way, but not as good in another way,” as the highly accurate Pap tests, she said. “—–
- An open-access mandate for the National Institutes of Health. (Open Med 2008;2(2):e14-16). By Suber P. Link for FREE PDF
- Cervical screening saves lives so it’s a big worry if young women start to miss their smear tests
- Less-frequent Pap smears may miss cancer precursors
- The Research Councils UK (RCUK) policy on open access comes into effect from the 1st April 2013. The policy states that all peer-reviewed published research articles and conference proceedings funded by RCUK must be open access (watch the video).
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